Pluginmatter group:
Vertical Divider
In 2016 we mapped-out and designed the three sites, PluginMatter, PluginSmall and DriveThatMatter. The way the three sites are interconnected and feed to each other is a beautiful feat of surgical execution and planning . It makes me think of the harmony created by a well established philharmonic orchestra.
illustrations 2017:
Vertical Divider
We've started doing commissioned, hand illustrated, family crests for selected clients. Above was for the o'Neill family, illustrated with pilot fine liners, Winston and Newton water paint on 200gms textured paper. Then finished off with an angel seal on the front and back of the 100gms natural brown paper envelope with blood red wax.
Companies 2017:
Vertical Divider
The above logo's are of the companies who's websites we created and updated thus far for 2017.
companies 2016:
Vertical Divider
The above logo's are of the companies who's websites we created and updated in 2016. Hope you enjoy looking at them as much as we enjoyed creating them!
Drop us your details and we'll get back to you.
BRANCHESWest Suffield, CT, USA
(860) 214 9900 (Melien Lavoie) Glenwood Durban, KZN, South Africa (072) 773 2332 (Corlia van Tonder) |